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Knight CTF 2022 – Find Pass Code

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    A Vocaloid (and other singing synth) fan.

Find Pass Code 1 (50 points)


Challenge Link:
Flag Format: KCTF{something_here}
Note: Burte Force/Fuzzing not required and not allowed.
Author: NomanProdhan

Webpage has a form with a text box and a submit button. The form sends a POST request to /.

A comment is found in the HTML source of the webpage.

<!-- Hi Serafin, I learned something new today. 
I build this website for you to verify our KnightCTF 2022 pass code. You can view the source code by sending the source param

Visiting gives the PHP source code.

require "flag.php";
if (isset($_POST["pass_code"])) {
    if (strcmp($_POST["pass_code"], $flag) == 0 ) {
        echo "KCTF Flag : {$flag}";
    } else {
        echo "Oh....My....God. You entered the wrong pass code.<br>";
if (isset($_GET["source"])) {
    print show_source(__FILE__);


Vulnerability: When comparing non-string values, strcmp() returns null, which is == 0 but not === 0 in PHP. We need to make $_POST["pass_code"] a non-string value.

One way to do this is to supply an array argument in the Post Payload.


In this way, $_POST["pass_code"] will be assigned as array(0 => "value"), thus allowing us to bypass the check.

Find Pass Code 2 (150 points)

Challenge Link:
Flag Format: KCTF{something_here}
Note: Burte Force/Fuzzing not required and not allowed.
Author: NomanProdhan

Webpage has a form with a text box and a submit button. The form sends a POST request to /.

A comment is found in the HTML source of the webpage.

<!-- Hi Serafin, I think you already know how you can view the source code :P

Again, visiting gives the PHP source code.

require "flag.php";
$old_pass_codes = array("0e215962017", "0e730083352", "0e807097110", "0e840922711");
$old_pass_flag = false;
if (isset($_POST["pass_code"]) && !is_array($_POST["pass_code"])) {
    foreach ($old_pass_codes as $old_pass_code) {
        if ($_POST["pass_code"] === $old_pass_code) {
            $old_pass_flag = true;
    if ($old_pass_flag) {
        echo "Sorry ! It's an old pass code.";
    } else if ($_POST["pass_code"] == md5($_POST["pass_code"])) {
        echo "KCTF Flag : {$flag}";
    } else {
        echo "Oh....My....God. You entered the wrong pass code.<br>";
if (isset($_GET["source"])) {
    print show_source(__FILE__);


Vulnerability: When comparing strings using ==, PHP will try to attempt to parse the string as a number. Hence, strings like "0e1" and "0e2" will be considered as the value 0 in scientific notation. We need to find a string which both the string itself and its MD5 hash match the pattern 0e[0-9]+.

$old_pass_codes has blacklisted some known strings that have this property.

Searching online, PHP Juggling type and magic hashes provided another string – 0e1137126905 – that also has this property but not blacklisted.

Submitting this code, and we can get the flag.